Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Karen Blixen

Karen Blixen was a Danish author best known for Out of Africa which she wrote about her time living in Kenya. She also wrote Bebette's Feast. Both books were later adapted into academy award winning movies. I had obviously heard of both books but I did not know that the author was Danish. She actually wrote everything in English first and then translated them into Danish. She has a very interesting life story. She apparently had a failed love affair with her second cousin but then went on to marry his brother. What?? Obviously that went well. They lived in Kenya where he went on to cheat on her and give her syphilis. Strange coincidence, since her father contracted the disease while living in the US among the Chippewa Indians in Wisconsin. He hanged himself because of it when she was 10 years old. She divorced her husband and moved back to Denmark and began her writing career. Karen actually lived until she was 77 years old despite the health problems associated with her disease.

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