Thursday, July 26, 2012

Country Laundry

I swear that's what LANDVASKERI translates to, Country Laundry.  Must be a brand name. Here is the Motto:

AXbo is no factory business, but laundry, with each Customer's clothes are treated met largest omih?

See that last word?  Somebody scracked with the card and for the life of me I can't get it to translate using every letter feasible.  Told you to get used to my made up vocabulary. Scracked it now a word, as in the fabulous word, scrack. So let it be written, so let it be done.  

The date is August 31, 1940. Germany had invaded Denmark in the spring of that year, so this is full occupation time. I love the WWII time period. So many leaps in technology. The world became a smaller place in WWII. Borders were crossed, the world became a literal melting pot.


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