Now here is an interesting piece. As far as I can tell from translating some of this article, this is part of book that is about to be published that is all about the battle of Kadesh and it is pretty well word for word straight out of the book. I'm not sure the author of the article can take much credit here. It's like something out of a movie. A guy stays out late partying and realizes that he has an article due for printing, oh no, what to do! I'll just write about that history book about to be published and just throw in a chapter to read to get people excited about the book. My editor will think it's brilliant! I'm a genius! Well, maybe that's not how it happened and maybe it was the editor's idea from the beginning, but I still think it's kind of a cheater way to get out of writing an article. I did look up some info on the battle of Kadesh. Pretty cool stuff. Ramses II and the Egyptian Empire and the Hittite Empire battled it out in Kadesh in the year 1274 or 1296 (my sources vary on the year). It was likely the largest chariot battle ever fought, somewhere between 5,000 and 6,000 chariots. In the end most agree it was a marginal victory for Ramses II, but mostly because he was able to hold it together, not because he kicked some butt. If you are into history at all I think you would find it interesting if you looked it up.
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