Things found in antique books with the occasional educational rambling.
Monday, June 13, 2011
H. C. Olrik
Henrik Gerner Snedorff Benedict Olrik was born on August 30, 1876 and died on Friday November 18, 1949. I'm giving you these details because there are so very few others available online in English. Henrik had a law degree and worked on the General Executive Board of the state railway, where he became head of second Tariff Bureau and was responsible for advertising and ended up attending the world exhibitions in Paris and Brussels in 1935 and 1937. He is quoted as saying, "There are tracks other than State Railways" when he resigned in 1943 to devote himself to personalize historical studies and writing full time. Which leads us to this article. He is apparently celebrating his 60th birthday which would put us in August of 1936. A little before he actually resigned to write full time it looks like. He went on to write several books. One most famously cited was Hans Christian Andersen's Family which is mentioned in this article. It talks a little bit about his understanding the character of H. C. Andersen and how well that comes across in his book. I wish there were more available about him in English online. It's funny, I would never have placed the year at 1936 based on the picture. It looks much more recent than that to me. Some of the books in the background look like they are leather bound. Not that I notice that. Ok, I always look at that now. Movies, tv, it's completely out of my control. Like a dentist noticing teeth. Can I check out your books?
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