Yup, it's hair. Don't be alarmed. It's actually quite small. It's only about 2 inches in diameter. Still, it's a pretty fancy way to save a clip of hair. I'm used to parents saving a bit of their newborns hair, but this was no baby. Unless this baby was born with a Repunzel proportion mane, this came from someone leaning towards adulthood. This was not the first time I have found some hair in a book. I am sorry to say I was a little freaked out the first time and rushed to throw it away. In my defense, there was enough hair the first time that who ever it belonged to could have been scalped! In that quantity, I admit I panicked and tossed it in the trash. Looking back now, I am sorry I did. I wish I could have gone all CSI and figured out who was balded like that. But this little beauty was cute and easy for me to save. So maybe someday I will have the means to do some DNA testing and figure out who this hair belonged to. That would be cool.
very strange sis