Sunday, October 30, 2011

Newlywed Pictures

Aw, the wedding pictures. Embarking on a new life with your spouse. What could be more exciting? Little do they know what awaits them. A mortgage, crying babies, playing chauffeur, laundry, grocery shopping, paying bills. What? I don't make it sound like fun? Marriage is great, but Disney has made it look like there are never any challenges or things that make you want to pull your hair out. They never go on to say how Cinderella never sees her mice friends, she's too busy changing diapers and doing what she does best, cleaning! I shouldn't pick in Disney, I'm actually a huge Disney fan. Other movies and books are guilty of this too. Of course, these are the movies and books I want to read. Who wants to read about the hum drum of actual every day life? No thanks, I'm living it. Bring on the prince and the ride off into the sunset. And, if Cinderella plays her cards right she can get groceries delivered and hire a house cleaner! Now that would be a happily ever after.

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